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CAN­CELLED: What it takes: Open your research data


University of Helsinki Data Support will hold an event focusing on the opening of research data. The event ”What it takes: Open your research data” takes place on 26 March 2020 at 13–15 at Think Corner Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4).

The University of Helsinki aims to open research methods, results as well as data as much as possible for the research community and society (see UH’s research data policy). Moreover, making research data open and available is currently required by many research funders. However, opening data raises many questions for researchers, and it is not always clear where and how to make research data available.

Place: Think Corner Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki)
Time: Thursday, 26 March 2020 at 13–15

What it takes: Open your research data
Schedule (speaker information will be updated later):

To clarify these issues, University of Helsinki Data Support will hold an event to shed light on the topic of opening data. At the event, three Finnish data archives and service providers will be introduced and will tackle questions related to the opening of research data. In addition, researcher Konsta Happonen (TUHAT) from the Department of Geosciences and Geography will discuss what opening data means from a researcher’s perspective and give examples of the benefits of opening data.

The event provides answers to questions about what it takes to open data and what it means in practice. The experts from the data archives will explain the requirements of different archives for opening data. During the event, we will discuss what needs to be taken into account at a very early stage when planning to open data – for example, what kind of metadata does opening require, and who owns the data after it is opened.

Everyone – researchers as well as research support staff – interested in open data issues is warmly welcome to the event. The event will be held in English, and questions or concerns about opening your data can be sent in advance to [email protected]. The event will also be streamed.

Follow facebook-event and Twitter #datarepo2020 for the latest news and updates.


University of Helsinki Data Support


Think Corner Stage
Yliopistonkatu 4
Helsinki, Suomi
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