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OpenGLAM meetup at Aalto University!

The aim of this meetup is to gather Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) and connect them with heritage lovers, students, professionals and creative people, both in and outside Aalto University and the GLAM community. We wish to find new ways to creatively reuse and share our common heritage.


15:00 Welcome words and introduction to Aalto Archives
Susanna Kokkinen, Manager, Records Management, Aalto University

15:10 Presentation of Open Knowledge Finland and OpenGLAM.
Teemu Ropponen, Executive Director, Open Knowledge Finland and Tuomas Nolvi, Planner, Yle Archives

15:20 The making of a massive open online course about Open Digital Cultural Heritage. Maija Paavolainen, Information Specialist, Helsinki University

15:40 On Returning. The making of a workshop for Post-Digital Archives. Ksenia Kaverina, Curator for Global Outreach, Aalto University

16:00 Visual Resources Centre as a guide on how to find and how to use visual material. Marika Sarvilahti, Information Specialist, VRC + Aalto Archives

News and discussions:

16:15 “Arvaa kuva”-game. Learning paths with open materials. Erja Salo, Finnish Museum of Photography

16:20 Aalto Heldig DH pizza seminars. Shared experiences and best practices in digital humanities. Matti La Mela, Aalto University

16:25 GLAM gaps in Wikipedia. Susanna Ånäs, Wikimedia Finland

16:30 How to digitize 5 million pages and 150 000 images in one year. Tove Ørsted, Photo Archivist, Aalto Archives

(Contact [email protected] if you want to be listed here!)

16:45 OpenGLAM, next steps. Discussions and networking.

Robert’s Coffee on the first floor serves coffee and refreshments during the event.

The event is open for all! No registration needed.
Hope to see you at 28.3.2019 15.00-17.00 at Aalto Learning Centre (Otaniementie 9, Espoo), K. floor (take the steps down from Robert’s Coffee)

More information
Tove Ørsted: tve.orsted (at) aalto.fi
Tuomas Nolvi: tuomas.nolvi (at) yle.fi


Avoin GLAM
Aalto Yliopisto


Aalto Learning Centre
Otaniementie 9
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