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Nordic Museums and Intangible Cultural Heritage

Laita kalenteriin ja tule mukaan kansainväliseen webinaariin museoista ja elävästä perinnöstä! Tarjolla kiinnostavia puheenvuoroja monesta eri maasta, käytännön esimerkkejä, työpajailua ja työkaluja museoiden omaan työhön.
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Ilmoittaudu 12.10 mennessä, lähetämme osallistumislinkin lähempänä tapahtumaa. https://ssl.eventilla.com/ichandmuseums
Webinaarissa julkistamme myös suomalaiset elävän perinnön inspiraatiokortit, joihin monet teistä lähettivät kiinnostavia esimerkkejä eri puolilta Suomea. Kiitokset niistä!

WEBINAR: Nordic Museums and Intangible Cultural Heritage
Tuesday 20th October 2020  13.30-16.30

What is intangible heritage? How does the UNESCO 2003 Convention affect the work of museums in Nordic countries? How can our museum engage with intangible heritage, that is represented in their collections, lived by their audiences, embodied by their stakeholders? Who are the communities, groups and individuals museums could work with?

The Finnish Heritage Agency, in cooperation with  Nordic colleague organizations, is organising a webinar on Nordic Museums and Intangible Cultural Heritage. The seminar presents concrete tools for the museums to dive deeper into living heritage and engage more profoundly with the communities, groups and individuals related to it.  Furthermore, case examples from several Nordic museums will be heard. Interactive workshops with international professionals provide the participants with hand on tools to reflect on the work in their own museums.

PROGRAMME (Helsinki time)

13.30 Welcome, Tiina Merisalo, General director, Finnish Heritage Agency
13.40  ICH and Museums Project, Kia Tsakiridis, Workshops intangible heritage (BE)
14.00 Experiences from Finland, Leena Marsio, Finnish Heritage Agency
14.15 Coffee break
14.20 Case studies from the Nordic countries

  • Transmission of Storytelling in a Museum, Meg Nömgård, Storytelling Museum (SE)
  • ICH in the museum strategy, Reetta Karhunkorva, Forest Museum LUSTO (FI)
  • Sami museum and crafts, Anne May Olli, RiddoDuottarMuseat (NO)
  • Guðbrandur Benediktsson, City Museum Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Challenges in documenting ICH, Kirstine Møller, National Museum of Greenland documentation and transmission

15.10 Discussion
15.20 Coffee break

15.25 Workshop in groups on how to decide what intangible heritage is relevant in relation to your museum, on who to involve, and how to decide on the intensity of collaboration. Moderated by members of the IMP team (Kia Tsakiridis – Workshops intangible heritage (BE), Sophie Elpers – Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage, Tamara Nikolić Đerić – Ecomuseum Batana Ecomuseum (CR)

16.10 Summing up of the workshops

16.20 Conclusions, Sergio Servellon NEMO – Network of European Museum Associations

16.30 End of the webinar

Erikoisasiantuntija Leena Marsio, Museovirasto, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi


13:30 - 16:30
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0295 33 6000
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