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LIVIND Opening Webinar

Do you work with living heritage? Are you interested in sustainable development? Do you want to learn more about how living heritage supports regional development in sustainable ways? If yes, join us to hear more, develop your work and widen your network with the LIVIND project!
Welcome to the LIVIND Opening Webinar on 29 November 2021 at 2–5 pm EET (1–4 pm CET)!
This webinar opens a series of online events in the project LIVIND – Creative and living cultural heritage as a resource for the Northern Dimension region. The two-year project (2021–23) brings together ten countries from the Northern Europe, the Nordic autonomous regions and the Sápmi.
In the opening webinar you will hear more about the LIVIND project and, with case examples from around the Northern Dimension region, about how living heritage and sustainability are linked together. In the workshops you can choose a theme of sustainability that interests you most and share your experiences with colleagues from the region. The event will be followed by webinars and workshops held throughout the year 2022.
The webinar is free and open for everyone. We welcome practitioners of heritage, NGO workers, museum professionals, civil servants, educators, artists, researchers, entrepreneurs, activists and other parties interested! We hope to get together a great group of people working with different domains of living heritage including crafts, performing arts, nature related know-how, oral heritage, festivities, food etc.
Please sign up by 23 November and we will send you the link to participate! 

14:00 Opening the webinar, Leena Marsio and Elisa Kraatari, Finnish Heritage Agency
14:10 Living heritage and sustainable development interlinked – what does it mean? Researcher’s viewpoint, TBC
A look into the four aspects of sustainable development and their link to living heritage
14:25–14:40 Ecological sustainability and knowledge on nature, Kirstine Eiby Møller, National Museum of Greenland, Greenland
14:40–14:55 Cultural sustainability and performing arts, Annbjørg Lien, Setesdalsfolk, Agder County Municipality, Norway
14:55–15:10 Economic sustainability and the living heritage of crafts, Eva Leemet, Creative Estonia, Estonia​
15:10–15:25 Social sustainability and education on living heritage, Amudena​ Rutkowska, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Poland
15:25–15:35 Break
15:35–16:30 Workshops
16:30–16:50 Comments from the workshops
16:50–17:00 Event closure
The LIVIND project is closely linked to the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development with focus on the practises of living heritage and methods to safeguard it on the grass-roots level. The project also involves research activities resulting with analyses and advice that support the further development work on living heritage. Results of the project will later be available on an online platform.


Online, Webinar

