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Date: 22 November 13.30–17.00 CET  and 23 November 9.00–11.00 CET

Registration: Here

Monday 22 November

13.30–15.00 Building a Time Machine Together
Introduction: The Road Traveled and Where we are
Frédéric Kaplan (President of the Time Machine Organisation)

The Word From the Ground: National and Local Updates
Time Machine Ambassadors

Q&A Session

15.30-17.00 Time Machine’s Place in Europe
Introduction by Julia Noordegraaf (Vice president of the Time Machine Organisation)

Parallel sessions
Sessions 1&2 will be held parallel to sessions 3&4. There will be time for Q&A and discussions after each presentation.

  1. Embarking with the Innovative Creative Economy (ICE) Consortium on a new Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI)
    Harry Verwayen (Vice president of the Time Machine Organisation) & Bernd Fesel (Director of the European Creative Business Network)
  2. A Holistic Approach to the Cultural Heritage Research and Innovation landscape: The HORIZON CSA project “ARCHE – Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe” aka HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-02
    Frédéric Kaplan (President of the Time Machine Organisation) & Alexandre Caussé (International Project Manager, The Heritage Sciences Foundation)
  3. Updates from the Time Machine Organisation Project Scouting Service & the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the European Commission
    Oğuz Özkan (Time Machine Organisation Project Scouting Officer) & Anca Calugaru (Business Director at Schuman Associates)
  4. Interregional Partnership “Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism”– How Things Stand and What´s Coming Next
    Sander Münster (Lead Strategist of the Time Machine Organisation Project Scouting Service) & Selda Ulutaş Aydoğan (Coordinator of the Time Machine Organisation Project Scouting Service)

Tuesday  23 November

09.00–11.00 Technology and the Time Machine Community
Introduction by Isabella di Lenardo (Lead Coordinator of the Local Time Machines) & Ilaria Manzini (Local Time Machine Manager)

Parallel Sessions
Session 1 will be held parallel to session 2. There will be time for Q&A and discussions after each presentation.

  1. The Governance of a Local Time Machine: Building and Coordinating a Multi-Stakeholder Consortium based on the Experiences with Various Local Time Machines
    Organizers: Amsterdam Time Machine, Budapest Time Machine, Valais-Wallis & Sion Time Machines
  2. 3D/4D as a Resource to Bridge History and Future in the Urban Space
    Organizers: FSU Jena, Utrecht Time Machine, Nicosia Time Machine, City of Ghent

11.30-13.00 Time Machine Organisation General Assembly
For Time Machine Organisation members only.


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