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QQML conference – The Special Session: “Evaluation of User Experience in cultural heritage organizations”

Call for Proposals in the Special Session in the 13th QQML conference (25–28 May 2021)
Title of the Special Session: “Evaluation of User Experience in cultural heritage organizations”

Organizing Committee: Markku Antero Laitinen, National Library of Finland (Chair), Jouni Henrik Juntumaa, City of Helsinki, Culture and Leisure and Svetlana Kirichenko, University of Helsinki
The Special Session will include 4-6 oral presentations of 20 minutes.

Because of the uncertain times, the QQML conference will hybrid this year: physically and virtually organized. Because this choice faces the challenges of the visa denial, virus pandemics etc., this Special Session will preferably be held virtually.
The language of the Special Session is English.

Abstract of the Special Session: There are several methods for evaluating the user experience (UX) in cultural heritage organizations.  The wholeness of the users’ experience of a service supplied by libraries, archives or museums consists of several attributes. It is important for the cultural heritage organizations to recognize the significant elements of the UX and it is also inevitable to critically evaluate the relevance of the evidence collected to reveal possible elements still out of sight. The target of this Special Session is to gather together the experts interested in evaluation of UX in cultural heritage organizations to discuss about (i) the good practices of finding the evidence of UX (ii) the ways to form an overall view of UX (iii) new ideas and pilot projects.

Target groups and the audience are professionals of cultural heritage organizations in a more general sense: professors, researchers, students, administrators, museum scientists, archivists, directors and decision makers, information scientists, librarians, statisticians, marketing managers and other potential stakeholders.

Contributions may be realized through the structured abstract (e.g. IMRaD Format) not exceeding 500 words and presentation of 20 minutes.

Important Dates

Abstract submissions before February 20, 2021.
Notification of acceptance within two weeks after submission deadline.
Deadline Paper Submission: 1st of May 2021 (optional).
Deadline Presentation Submission: 1st of May 2021.

Please submit your proposal for the conference paper in the Special Session “Evaluation of User Experience in cultural heritage organizations” direct to the chair of the Organizing Committee: markku.laitinen (at) helsinki.fi
Please note that the organizers will not be able to pay for travel nor accommodation costs of the speakers. At least one of the authors ought to be registered in the QQML conference: http://qqml.org/registration/. You will find full information about the QQML Conference at http://qqml.org/


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