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Nor­dILL 2020 – The 14th Nordic Resource Sharing, Reference and Collection Management Conference

Nor­dill 2021 on­line conference on 25-26 Oc­to­ber 2021

Wel­come to The 14th Nordic Re­source Shar­ing, Ref­er­ence and Col­lec­tion Man­age­ment Conference

Information is changing, as are its means of delivery. It has become more common that it is available in the form of an electronic publication, instantly. But is it available to all, and what is the role of libraries in its distribution?

The theme for the 14th NordILL conference is Empowering knowledge – Accelerating access. The online conference is organized jointly by the National Repository Library, the National Library of Finland, Helsinki City Library, University of Helsinki and City of Helsinki.

Pre­lim­in­ary pro­gramme

The conference is organized jointly by the National Repository Library, the National Library of Finland, Helsinki City Library, University of Helsinki and City of Helsinki.


See you in Helsinki in October 2021!


Online, Webinar


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