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Digital Humanities in Action: Sampo Model and Portals for Cultural Heritage

Thu 29.10.2020, 13.00–17.00 (12.00–16.00 CET)
This webinar presents results of joint research at Aalto University and University of Helsinki (HELDIG), Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), on building an open national Semantic Web infrastructure with applications for Digital Humanities. In particular, the “Sampo model” and series of Sampo portals have been created that have had millions of users on the Web. The seminar presents the key elements of the infrastructure and ten latest Sampo portals, five of which are already online, and five under development in ongoing research projects.

More information:
Program and registration: https://seco.cs.aalto.fi/events/2020/2020-10-29-sampo-portals/
Sampo model and portals homepage: https://seco.cs.aalto.fi/applications/sampo/
To get a glimpse on what ”Sampos” and the underlying data infrastructure are in practice, have a look at the short videos below:

  1. LetterSampo – Republic of Letters 1500-1800 on the Semantic Web: https://vimeo.com/461293952
  2. BiographySampo – Artificial Intelligence Reading Biographies for the Semantic Web:  https://vimeo.com/328419960
  3. WarSampo – Finnish World War II on the Semantic Web: https://vimeo.com/212249404
  4. Building a National Level Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland: https://vimeo.com/460086143



13:00 - 17:00
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