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Beta Test of Library Carpentry Introduction to AI and Machine Learning

LIBER is excited to announce a brand new workshop series on the topic of ‘Applying and deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in GLAMs’.

5 workshops will take place from the 29th of March to 2 April 2021. The workshops are organised by AI4LAM (Teaching and Learning Working Group) and co-hosted by LIBER and the BnF.

The aim of the workshops is to provide training opportunities for those interested in applying and deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Libraries, Galleries, Archives, and Museums.

The series will bring together a diverse community of experts with subject and domain expertise, as well as technologists across GLAM institutions for a collaborative learning event to share tools and experiences and to reflect on the process of applying AI and its implications for GLAM institutions.

Details of the Workshops

You can find the details of each workshop as well as how to register below:

30 March 2021 (15:00-17:00 CEST) – Beta Test of Library Carpentry Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
host: Smithsonian Data Science Lab

In this workshop, Mark Bell, Mike Trizna, Nora McGregor, and Daniel van Strien will beta test the lesson that is currently in the early stages of development and is to become a part of the Library Carpentry Curriculum. The workshop aims to empower GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) staff by providing the foundation to support, participate in and begin to undertake in their own right, machine learning-based research and projects with heritage collections.

31 March 2021 (15:00-17:00 CEST) – Historical Newspaper Content Mining: findings from the impresso project
host: LIBER

1 April 2021 (18:00-20:00 CEST) – Introduction to visual AI in GLAMs
host: BnF

2 April 2021 (15:00-17:00 CEST) – Introduction to Spark for Machine Learning
host: BnF




LIBER Europe