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2and3D Photography Online

This year’s 2and3D Photography is slimmed down and moved online due to corona. We will host three online sessions (2and3D Photography Online 2, 9 & 16 June) with four 20-minute presentations followed by a Q&A.


For this edition we are especially interested in how the pandemic has influenced your daily work. Have you been able to continue working or has it given you more time to spend researching ?

For this online edition we want to focus on a selection of our regular topics:

3D Applications for cultural heritage: added value, sustainability, interoperability
Color management: 3D, UV, IR, 360
Science: conservation, preservation, scientific demands, artificial intelligence


Admission is free, but registration is required.


We will send you the link to join the livestream a day in advance.


Online, Webinar


Association for Historical and Fine Art Photography (AHFAP)