The Information Architecture Group was established during the third phase of the National Digital Library (NDL) project between 2014 and 2017 to promote the interoperability of metadata and semantic consistency as well as to implement the enterprise architecture policies concerning these areas. The work continues even after the NDL project, as the matters related to information architecture have become even more crucial with the continued progress of the digitalisation.

The key goal of the Information Architecture Group is to find joint solutions for the following areas:

  • Common information
  • Metadata definitions
  • Vocabularies
  • Classifications
  • Identifiers
  • The common rules required for interoperability and the related compliance

The group includes representatives from the National Archives of Finland, the National Library of Finland, the Finnish Museums Association, the National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI), the Finnish Heritage Agency, the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS), CSC – IT Center for Science, the Finnish Social Science Data Archive, YLE Archives, the Helsinki City Library (which is responsible for the general national development of public libraries) and the Institute for the Languages of Finland.

For more detailed information on the members of the group and the group’s minutes, visit the following address: (available only in Finnish).

For more information, please contact the group’s chair: Miia Herrala, National Archives of Finland, miia.herrala(at),
or the person responsible for the coordination of the group: Nina Hyvönen, Information Systems Manager, National Library of Finland, nina.hyvonen(at)