The identification of digital services, information resources and the parties producing them must be secured in a permanent and system-independent manner. This can only be achieved with the help of identification systems. Cultural memory organisations, archives, libraries and museums manage and apply several international standard identifiers, such as ISBNs for books and ISSNs for serials. The Finnish national ISBN and ISSN centres, which are housed within the National Library of Finland, issue these identifiers and provide further information on how these identifiers can be applied and adapted.

Information networks and, for example, the production of linked data require persistent, i.e., functional, identifiers; these include the URN (Uniform Resource Name) and DOI (Digital Object Identifier). In Finland, URNs are issued by the National Library of Finland. DOIs for research data sets are issued by CSC – IT Center for Science and DOIs for scientific articles in service by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.

The identifiers for public identities include the researcher-oriented ORCID and the ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) for authors of all kind of creative works. ISNIs may be assigned also for organisations. The coordinator for ORCIDs is CSC, and the National Library of Finland is responsible for the ISNI system.

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