Europeana is a service that provides access to the digital cultural heritage collected from European archives, libraries and museums. The goal of Europeana is to create new ways for people to get in touch with their cultural heritage. Europeana provides archives, libraries and museums with a collaborative network and the opportunity to increase the visibility and user base of their respective digital collections.

The National Library of Finland acts as the national aggregator for Europeana and transfers materials from Finnish archives, libraries and museums to the service. The National Library of Finland maintains the Formula service for this purpose. The National Library of Finland and the organisations intending to use the Formula service first sign an agreement on the transfer of metadata to Europeana.The metadata is converted from its original format into metadata that adheres to the Europeana Data Model (EDM). The Formula service currently supports the conversion of data that is in the LIDO, MARC, EAD or Dublin Core format.

The metadata offered by Europeana is published as open data in accordance with the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. The data can be accessed through Europeana’s open APIs (application programming interfaces).

For more information on Europeana: Europeana Pro

For more information on the Formula service: Europeana – Formula customer wiki, in Finnish and finna-posti(at)