The goal of the digital cultural heritage initiative is to maintain the services that help improve the availability and digital preservation of information resources. The initiative also promotes collaborative efforts between archives, libraries and museums, enhances their expertise, and improves the interoperability between different information and data systems.

Finna helps bring the digital datasets of archives, libraries and museums to the wider public, and the Cultural Heritage DP service is used to ensure their digital preservation.

With the help of shared services and solutions, we can secure the interoperability between the cultural heritage sector’s information systems and information as part of various ecosystems, for example, in education, culture, science and public administration. The goal is to increase the societal visibility and usability of contents and services. A digital cultural heritage that is available to all and part of everyday life helps promote social diversity, interaction and participation.

The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the policies that concern the digital cultural heritage initiative. The National Library of Finland is responsible for all communicational and promotional aspects related to the initiative. The digital cultural heritage initiative continues the work that was started in the National Digital Library (NDL) project between 2008 and 2017. The digital cultural heritage initiative is conducted jointly with various actors from the field of open science.

The Our Digital Cultural Heritage website,, serves as the primary information channel for the digital cultural heritage initiative. The website contains the latest information on any current digital cultural heritage news and events and on the collaborative efforts between archives, libraries and museums. The website has been designed to serve as the hub for every interconnected digital cultural heritage service, initiative and project. The goal of the website and the digital cultural heritage initiative is to provide the wider public with access to digital cultural heritage data and the related information resources, services and expertise.

The contents of the website are produced and maintained by a network that is coordinated by the National Library of Finland. The network includes the Ministry of Education and Culture, CSC – IT Center for Science, the National Archives of Finland, the Finnish Heritage Agency, the National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) and various private archives.

Inquiries about the digital cultural heritage initiative, please contact:

Minna Karvonen, Director, Ministry of Education and Culture, minna.karvonen(at), tel. +358 2953 30142

Tapani Sainio, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture, tapani.sainio(at), tel. +358 2953 30336

Inquiries about the digital cultural heritage initiative’s communications and the website, please contact:

[email protected]