The Digital Preservation (DP) Service for Cultural Heritage produced for cultural heritage resources, guarantees the preservation of essential national information resources held in libraries, archives and museums. Digital cultural heritage resources covers both digitized and born-digital information resources: publications falling within the bounds of legal deposit, government publications belonging to the national cultural heritage, and other digital information resources worth preserving created by organizations operating under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The Digital Preservation Service for Cultural Heritage is a continuously developing service, and this development work is conducted in close collaboration with partner organisations. The goal is to ensure that the DP service can be used to preserve digitised and digitally produced cultural heritage data for future generations and to enable the long-term utilisation of these materials.

The principal customers of the DP service for Cultural Heritage, i.e., the organisations that the preservation services are made available to, are the organisations operating under the Ministry of Education and Culture that are responsible for the preservation of both material and immaterial parts of the cultural heritage. A service agreement on the use of the Cultural Heritage DP service for the preservation of digital cultural heritage data is made between the organisation that wishes to use the service and CSC. Before the agreement is signed, the Ministry of Education and Culture will issue a set of guidelines to the organisation and CSC on how the organisation can utilise the DP service.

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