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The Call for Proposals for the upcoming 53rd LIBER Annual Conference is now open. The deadline for submitting a proposal is the 12th of January 2024. Guidance on this as well as conference topics are outlined in detail below. For more information about the conference in general, please visit the LIBER 2024 website. 

LIBER 2024 Annual Conference Theme:
State-of-the-art libraries in the service of science and society’.

Research libraries are dynamic entities that evolve rapidly within society, research, and academia, in times when there is an urgency to solve critical global problems. While we often need time to reflect and assess what we have done, we are challenged to respond to the demands of our communities and of global society. What kind of leadership should be exhibited within our organisations and beyond? What kind of synergies should be pursued to address the issues of a ‘post-truth’ world? What purpose do technological advancements bring, and how can we adapt to them?   

Following the paths of openness and trust that we collectively trod at the LIBER 2023 Annual Conference in Budapest, it is time to show how state of the art services, spaces, and collections are not just a state of mind, but real implementations that respond to the great challenges in research and society of our time.


We ask our community to submit their proposals for contribution to the LIBER 2024 conference, distilling – in an engaging way – their work on the following topics:  

  • Charting the field of Artificial Intelligence for research libraries  
  • Embedding equity and diversity in daily operations  
  • Evaluating the impact of Open Science on research libraries  
  • Fostering leadership for independence, sustainability, and progress  
  • Innovating on the use of library spaces  
  • Establishing responsibility on measurements, metrics, and rankings  
  • Claiming community ownership of scholarly communication  
  • Providing platforms of interaction with society 

How to Submit Your Abstract

To submit an abstract, please visit the LIBER 2024 submissions portal. The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 12th of January 2024. 

Panel and workshop proposals can also be submitted via the LIBER 2024 submissions portal. 


July 3
July 5
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