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Handling of Personal Data


Do you know what personal data are? Are you handling personal data as part of your research?
In this workshop, we will cover the step-by-step process on how to handle personal data in research. Including:

  • Data Management Plan (DMP)
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • Privacy notice for research participants
  • Consent forms
  • Ethical review
  • GDPR compliant data processing
  • Sharing and publishing of personal data
  • Participants may ask questions about their particular interests. We encourage participants to register and submit questions in advance to instructors.

Who can participate?

Everyone with an internet connection.


1.5-hour webinar with a presentation and a Q&A. The webinar is free of charge.

Schedule and location

The training will be held online via Zoom on March 16, 2022, at 1:00–2:30 PM Eastern European Time (EET).


Enrico Glerean, Staff Scientist, School of Science, Aalto University
Maria Rehbinder, Senior Legal Counsel, Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E), Aalto University


Online, Webinar


Aalto Yliopisto